Post an Event or a Volunteer Opportunity

  • Are you hosting a sport event in Niagara?
  • Does your sport event require volunteers?

Complete this form, and we will publish your event and/or volunteer opportunity to this page**.


What type of event do you want to list?

If this event has more than one event type, they must be submitted separately.

Event Type
  • Is this a Sport Event Listing?
    Share information to promote your event. Choose Sport Event.
  • Is this a Volunteer Opportunity?
    If your event has a Volunteering component, submit another form to direct potential volunteers to the organizers.Choose Volunteering.
  • Is this a Conference?
    Share information about a sport-related information session, symposium, conference or webinar. Choose Conference.

Event Listing

Is this a Single Date or Multi-day Event?

Note that multi-day events cannot display specific start/end times for each day.
Event date (start date for multi-day event)
End date


Type in "Virtual Event" for online events, and leave Street Address, and City blank

Additonal Event Information

This information will be displayed on the event listing when it is published.

Provide at least one of the following ways for the public to learn more about your event. For example, if this is a volunteer opportunity, include a link to your website's volunteer form, and/or an email address/telephone number for volunteering inquiries.

(If your event is part of a provincial, national or international sport organization, point to the web page here.)

Contact Information for Event

This information will not be displayed on the event listing. It is required in case we need to contact you about your event.
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number *

Terms and Conditions

**Your event must be:

  • a sport competition (tournament, event, game, community leagues, major competitions, etc.);
  • in the Niagara Region;
  • reviewed and approved by the Sport Niagara team.

If you have any questions, please email

Terms and Conditions
